National Poison Prevention Week is March 15 - 21, 2009
Each year, more than 2.4 million poison exposures are reported to the nation's poison control centers and nearly two-thirds of those calls involve children. Most poisonings occur when parents or caregivers are not paying attention. It's important to react quickly when a poisoning occurs.
The most dangerous potential poisons are medicines, cleaning products, antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, pesticides, furniture polish, gasoline, kerosene and lamp oil. And with Americans spending more time in their cars commuting and shuttling children to activities, accidental poison exposure in vehicles is a scary possibility.
For safety precautions, drivers should always keep the nationwide phone number for Poison Control handy, 800-222-1222. And for OnStar subscribers, the in-vehicle communications service will now route calls about poisonings directly to Poison Control. Once connected the Poison Control specialists will help the victims decide the best ...