Internet Network Marketing, why combine the two venues? What could you possibly get from it? Now, granted, most of these questions come from MLM business people who truly know very little about the Internet and do not fully understand the incredible leverage it can give you. Interestingly enough Internet Network Marketing can, if used properly, allow you to grow your downline at an extremely fast rate.
I will make it very simple, all the internet does for network marketing is allow you to leverage your time and the vast amount of traffic on the internet all over the world in order to expose people to what solutions/products/opportunities you have. It combines the power of internet marketing and network marketing all in one.
For example, lets say you were trying to recruit people to become business partners with you. If you were to do business the Old School way of Network Marketing, let me ask you, how many business presentations could you give in a day? One or two if you a...