Full Match JD 2020 said, "I'll say it again here :) - I use the MP-40 because I like it. I use Juggernaut because it gives me an edge against other players (as Perks typically do). I use Betties because I play CTF all the time, and of course Betty up my base (as logic would suggest I should). I remember this match - I see the "only use knife" fella conveniently cut out the 8 times I knifed him... Funny how people who make montages of themselves do that =). I would win in a knife-for-knife match with him - not gonna lie... No offense to the guy, but he wasn't that great with it - he pulled some -20 spread iirc in that match..." ouk knifed JD 5:27 6:00 6:55 7:48 8:10 19:38 20:14 JD knifed ouk 6:39 19:15 Let me know if I missed any. Also, please note my kill death spread of 33-41 What do you have to say JD?