Customer Justice Groups and individuals who feel they've been ripped off; then a reporter goes out and investigates the issue at the place of business. **We use the already produced videos from tv stations all across the country, decades of material, very inexpensive to produce, very high margins, very entertaining, clearance in every market in America and the world, not dependent on writers, strike-proof, eg: travel agency stole all the money from a youth group planning a vacation for 2 years, mortgage lender said they were a religious organization and used the money from their congregation to live a lavish lifestyle. The customer justice reports are the HEADLINES that the local and national news use in their TV commericials to get viewers to tune in. Imagine having a HEADLINE style report for the entire duration of the show! There are years and years of outstanding content to broadcast that most viewers have never seen. This is the same type of entertainment that people who watch Judge Judy view, basically a Plaintiff and a Defendant in a reality tv package that makes lots of sense and is pure entertainment from start to finish.