** My main website http://www.youtube.com/secrecyguy ** I entered this video in a horror moive contest for Ghost in the Machine by Massify and After Dark Films. The winning pitch was Perkins' 14. It is for a lead role for their movie and they will choose the top 20 finalist. From there, they will choose the 4 lead roles. I end up not winning the top 20 finalist. :( The two mistakes I made was I should have entered the video sooner and I should have made a better description of my video. Maybe than I will not have such a poor perfermance there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video. The only difference between this video and the video I entered in the contest is I took out the introduction and I made corrections to the title and the end credits. Idea by Hank Braxtan Written by Craig C. Chen Co-Written by Craig Banks Purple Man Cast Craig C. Chen Salvador "da profet" Viveros Jr. Lisa Marie Clark Special Thanks To My Mom (Mong Lien Chen) Dr. Joseph C.T. Chen Lisa Chen Juan Carlos Sanchez