Is Russia in Georgia in Bible Prophecy? What is the political, biblical and escatological significance of the Russian invasion? What does this mean for Israel? Or for Iran and the newly self proclaimed resurrection of the Persian empire and the muslim end time prophecy of the return of mohammed's decendant from the well, the 12th Imam? Is it the beginning of the end? Is chaos about to begin it's reign? Was chaos the beginning and now the end of man? Has this all been prophesied or foretold ahead of time and if so how is that possible? As the recipient of a dream of the future myself this is a question I had to ask myself, how can something be "seen" before it happens?
Jd looks at the current events of our world in relation the God's Truth in His Word, the Holy Bible and in particular in relation to the events foretold for the end times or last days, the tribulation, or time of Jacob's trouble, and the second coming of Israel's Messiah, Jesus, the Christ, and the rise of a global world system of government, economy, religion and the world leader who will control it known as the anti-christ. Buckle up for the ride and get on your armor, take up your shield grab your sword because it is coming soon!
Russia Georgia Middle East Bible Prophecy Iran Israel Russia Iraq Tribulation Rapture Second Coming Jesus God Truth Life Death War Peace Heaven Hell Eternity Justice Judgement Armegeddon End Times Last Days Escatology
Russia in Georgia,Peace Security Israel,Middle East Crisis,beast antichrist end,tribulation left