This is the first music video for J. Moir. It was shot in and around Denver, Colorado. J. Moir is one of the BEST Hip-Hop artists in the Mile High City! We would like to thank the following people. Without your help, this video would not have been possible! Marsha Carrillo- Actress/Model, Caitlin Whelan-Actress/Model, Kelly Siegler- Actress/Model, Norma Leticia Falcon'- Actress/Model. Glenn R. Jones, Bruce Stone, John Steiner and the Jones Companies for the use of the beautiful Jet. Embassy Suites Hotels for the use of the west facing room, #917. Perfect spot! Kristen Aaland Photography for appearing in the video and the great, "behind the scenes" shots. Josh Gold Photography for your assistance and great photography of the Jet sequence. Brian Singer and On Board Systems, Inc for the use of the amazing Lotus. Frank Quattrone and Silas Mera and at Dub Media for the use of the recording studio. Great Facility!