Many people donât realize how important it is to have a mentor when they start in a business without prior experience. Many look to get a good business and maybe a good deal, but they just donât realize they need personal one-on-one help until they spend the money and try to make money on their own for a few months. Most never make a dime with Coastal Vacations DFI.
. While many are Coastal Vacations scam victims, and even more victims simply never make any money, it is no secret that there are problems. There isnât a company, a president, a building or any employees. Who can the scam victims complain to? So many have been scammed, but who is serving jail time?. Many have lost money with Coastal Vacations. There are several major complaints about Coastal Vacations. This is a ghost money making program. Coastal Vacations is not a company. There is no address for Coastal Vacations DFI. They donât have a building or employees. If you have a co...