The Epilepsy Foundation announced findings today that show people with epilepsy, whose seizures have been controlled with a consistent drug therapy, have a greater chance of increased seizures, greater side effects or sudden death when their medications are switched from one version of an antiepileptic drug (AED) to another, whether the switch was brand-to-generic, generic-to-brand or generic-to-generic.
The study, which surveyed more than 1,000 people with epilepsy, reveals that seizures worsened for 59 percent of people who had switched from a brand-name to a generic AED, while side effects increased for 49 percent of that same group. Additionally, seizures worsened for 15 percent of those who had switched from a generic to brand AED, while side effects increased for 18 percent of that same group. Furthermore, more than 25 percent of respondents reported experiencing problems after switching between different generic formulations of an AED.
To highlight the concerns raised in recent studies, the...