Detour is an independent feature film that was written, directed & produced by Patty Richardson. Kendal Lawrence is a 27 year old surgical resident living and working in Brooklyn, NY. She is abducted on her way to meet her girlfiend, Lauren Stevens and their mutual friend Police Officer Maria Rosetti for dinner in the East Village. FBI agent, Ann Kuharick works closely with NYPD Detective Bill Emerson in an effort to find Kendall and determine the reason for her abduction. Sensing a lack of interest in the investigation by the NYPD detective, and a bias due to her sexual orientation and Middle Eastern heritage, Lauren decides to launch her own investigation. The reason for Kendal's abduction is in question. The issues of terrorism and diversity are raised throughout the story. After watching DETOUR, you may think twice before getting into the back of a gypsy cab. When you least expect it, your life can take a DETOUR that may change your world forever......