When you understand the energy enhancement and the mood elevation, it should come as no surprise that SX has a major appetite suppression effect. Think about it: You are feeling great, you are moving around all day burning calories at an increased rate - of course you are not overeating or making poor dietary choices. It is no secret: People eat out of depression, anger and boredom. But get people moving around and feeling good and guess what: they eat like normal people, if they even think to eat at all. And just in case you actually would still make poor dietary choices - we added in one of the strongest natural appetite suppressants available. Never before has a product increased energy and removed your appetite while keeping your mood extremely elevated. To know more about Weight Loss please visit: http://www.powerofsx.com 2245 W University Suite #5 Tempe, AZ 85281 Tel : 1-888-388-7566