A video of a teaching by Samy Tanagho at one of our first ever Mid Week Bible Studies on Thursday nights here at Calvary Chapel Kaneohe. Samy teacher and author of the book :Glad News! God Loves You My Muslim Friend" teaches about Jesus the goodness of God and His love for all peoples including Muslim. Talking about his book and the need of Muslims to that God does Love them and they don't have to do anything to earn that Love, but He wants them to just come to Him and have a relationship with Him thru the only Way (the Truth & the Light) Jesus the Christ which God Himself has made for us! He also admonishes Christians to spread the good news, share the love and eveangelize, particular those here in the United States of America, where we spend 50 Billion dollars per year to re-evangelize (or innoculate against the Gospel?) Paople who have already heard of God's great Love for them as revealed in Jesus the Christ!