Is it still possible to make a lot of money in these economic times? Don't be discouraged! The news these days is full of stories that tell you that things are looking bleak. Especially the housing market. From an article in US News on June 18, 2009: In the face of an intractable credit crisis and a recession that could be the deepest since World War II, economists are expecting another downcast year for housing in 2009. Mission Residential Chief Economist Richard Moody, for example, projects home prices to continue along their downward slope for the entire year before hitting bottom in early 2010. But while there's no shortage of gloomy data â rising unemployment, higher mortgage delinquencies, increasing foreclosures â glass half-fullers do have a number of hopes to cling to. And while these more optimistic factors might not be enough to spring housing back to life in 2009, they could â with a few lucky breaks â prevent the market from declining as sharply as it otherwise might. Are you excited about real estate yet? Well, you should be! Now is the time to take advantage of this once in a generation opportunity! But how? We have put together the "Turn These Economic Times To Your Advantage" webinar series to answer this question. We have collected 7 of the top real estate experts to show you how they are making money today! This is a free webinar series and it is going to fill up quickly. The speakers on this series regularly charge for their time - don't wait to check it out!