EL CHICO with his titles â Bonita â and â Verde â reaches the hits and is in first place in the world .El Chico,alias pierre ex Magazine 60 with the title Don Quichotte hit of the eighties ,reaches the mondial hits and has the first place in the American Billboard . Don quichotte is a generic of the film â filles perdues ,cheveux grasâÂÂselection of Cannes 2002 and sample from WIL LIAM Black eas pears âÂÂi got it from my mamaâÂÂ. www.elchicopierre.blogspot.com MS PROJECT remixes and remakes this hit in a fantastic way to make it eternal.! On the international dance floor and in the ibiza fever. www.djbuzz.com/don quichotte 2009 ms project vs el chico www.itunes.com/don quichotte 2009/Santa Rosa by El Chico