Players: Wrath/Brokensoul Transy/Zihenroy/x-onge-x Ping is about 20-40 Me and onge are trying to have a 10 round duel on every trinity gunz map. Iôm just recording every single round and using couple of them from each map to make a video for youtube. Maps currently played on: Annihilation: 10-8 (WIN) Battle Arena: 10-6 (WIN) BattleSphere: 10-5 (WIN) BFM: 10-6 (WIN) BlackHole: 7-10 (LOSE) BrokenReed: 10-3 (WIN) CargoShip: 8-10 (LOSE) Castle: 10-4 (WIN) Catacomb: 6-10 (LOSE) Courtyard: 10-9 (WIN) CyberSports: 10-2 (WIN) I had 187 replays after recording all of these. And there are like over 40 maps left. -.- Programs used: Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 and Fraps I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SONGS USED IN THIS VIDEO. First song: Alley Life - Out with the old Second song: Reveille - Look at me now Third song: Papa Roach - Blood Brothers Fourth song: Skillet - Whispers in the dark Also, i need advice for good songs for my next parts. Making this video wasnôt so hard that i had thought but rendering it took hell of a time. [09.25.30] RATE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE! May God Bless You For Watching This...