This video is a compilation of Unisys videos directly from their own website exposing their own New World Order agenda. Unisys wazs directly involved in the 9/11 false flag inside job black operation in order to spearhead and thrust upon the world everything showin in the video. From forced integration of Ptech ("PROMIS II") RBAC (Role Based Authentication) Enterprise Architectuers that 100% put all command and control (C2) in the hands of the global criminal offshore banking cartel--to using the same artificial intelligence to directly engineer world policy, virtual government, all aspects of military, banking, medical, commerce, economies, transportation, personal data, corporate/government data, utility grids (energy, water), food imports/exports, and anything not listed.
This is the price humanity pays for not stopping these criminals. It will be absolute hell on Earth enslavement never before achieved by any previous tyranny in history. The only way we can win is for mass awareness to understand why all of these measures of interoperability, allegedly for "safety", and "necessary to survive in the manufactured economic crisis--to facilitate incentive to resist all of this insanity and force constitutional government and sovereignty to rescind and remove this wickedly engineered evil from its full spectrum dominance, and put that dominance back to the individual where the government serves the People, and no shadow government is ever allowed to usurp the inalienable rights of mankind.