Where does the standard for Universal American Healthcare come from? Franklin Roosevelt's Hill-Burton standard. The current "health reform" proposal of President Barack Obama comes no where close to the breakthrough healthcare policy that Roosevelt established in the 1940's, and furthermore, Obama's policy if not defeated will kill more people than the Nazi's did with their "health reform". There are much deeper issues that must be considered in crafting a successful Health Care policy today, issues of mortality, immortality, making decisions based on the future, what is real value versus monetary value and so on. These were the kinds of issues Roosevelt had to confront PERSONALLY, in his near death experience with polio. The discoveries made by Roosevelt in personally overcoming the limitations of his mortality gave him the proper lens through which to situate his identity in the long span of history, and think of policies like healthcare as security for the posterity of the nation and a defence of the gereral welfare as our constitution dictates, rather than today's cost cutting fiscally frenzied President. So, the time has come to learn the lessons of Franklin Roosevelt's approach to public health. Repeal HMO's and Revive the Hill-Burton standard!