AGNISAR KRIYA This cleansing technique draws its name from the words 'Agni' (Fire), Sar (Essence) and Kriya (Action). Fire is the essential element of digestion and this cleansing action stimulates this fire for the digestive system to work at its optimum level. AGNISAR KRIYA Agnisar Kriya - Practice 3 to 4 rounds. In this you should first sit in Sukhasana (or the easy squat pose). Then exhale completely while pulling the abdomen in. While holding the breath in this position flap your abdomen in and out 20 times. This makes one round. How to do it ? Sit in Sukhasana (or the easy squat pose). Or u can also do while standing bend slightly forward from the waist while keeping the back straight. Take support by resting your hands on your knees or just above so that the back is not strained. Please make sure the arms are straight. Now, breathe in deeply. After this, exhale fully contracting the abdomen and lugs so that all the air is expelled. While holding breath in this position, contract or 'flap' your abdominal muscles in and out. Note that this should be done rapidly while holding the exhaled position WITHOUT inhaling. Do this as many times possible and then take a slow, deep breath inside. This is one round of the practice.