[Full Free Show] One of the problems that viewers have with ScreenCastsOnline is that I cover so much stuff, it's sometimes difficult to either know where to start, or how to gather all the information together under a single subject. This week's show is an experiment to address this by pulling together mainly information I've published before, with some new information thrown into the mix.
The genesis of the show is that I've received many requests on "How to effectively manage multiple Macs" and whilst preparing for the show, I realised that many of the areas have already been addressed, but in separate shows. So this week, I've tried to pull all the information together in a two part episode, discussing how I manage my multiple Mac setup and the reasons why I use the tools and techniques that I do. The show is heavily littered with references to previous shows, so if you want to go back and receive more in depth information on any of the tools and techniques, you can!