Domestic violence is a type, or category, of crime. There is no actual offense called domestic violence. It would be the setting of where the crime took place, for example the crime could be assault and battery that took place in the home. That's a domestic violence case. It depends on whether or not that underlying offense is a misdemeanor or a felony. For example, if it's just straight assault and battery, well that's a misdemeanor. It's a domestic violence case, it's a misdemeanor. If it's assualt and battery with a dangerous weapon, which could be anything including a shoe, it's a felony. Domestic violence, but still a felony. So you've got to look for the underlying defense, and that will determine whether it's a felony or misdemeanor. I'm Sam Goldberg, lead counsel for criminal defense matters at Altman & Altman, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have 25 years of experience. If you're in trouble and you need someone in your corner, who cares and will fight for you, give me a call.