In Massachusetts, we are very concerned about hate crimes. People are extremely sensitive to those hate crimes, be it a hatred based on gender, race, sexual orientation, what have you. As a result, those cases are first of all going to get more publicity. And second of all be treated more harshly, in the courts. It's going to be tougher, even in a regular assault case for example, you might be able to get it, the case dismissed, or get a plea bargain where there's no jail. Well, if it's a hate crime, particularly because of the public exposure, the prosecutor's going to be very reluctant, as is the judge, to give any kind of leniancy. I'm Sam Goldberg, lead counsel for criminal defense matters at Altman and Altman in Cambridge, MA. I have 25 years of experience. If you're in trouble and you need someone in your corner who cares and will fight for you, give me a call.