A huge fan of Final Fantasy, like myself, could not resist fandubbing this awesome game! Here is a trailer for Dissidia: Final Fantasy, fandubbed in English for fans to enjoy! And to answer a question that will no doubt pop into your heads, YES! Shadow Lotus Productions will be dubbing Dissidia in the future, but all is still in its planning stages. So look forward to it when it comes out! We have fandubbed the Tokyo Gameshow 2008 Trailer. We do not own Dissidia, Final Fantasy, or any of Square-Enix's games or material. This is for entertainment purposes only, not personal profit. The only thing we own are the voices used in the trailers. A trailer done by fans for fans. Please support Square-Enix and this game by purchasing it when it comes out on August 25, 2009! Cast (in order of appearance) Cid of the Lufaine (Narrator): lionfayt Garland: Antfish Warrior of Light: sonicmega Emperor Mateus: DarkWolf Firion: Koichi Saito Cloud of Darkness: fantachan Onion Knight: Sasuya Ultimecia: Usagi Squall: CountAbyss Kuja: Akumaryu Zidane: Actorman Jecht: True_Blue Tidus: lionfayt Sephiroth: Zeix Golbez: ConVito Cosmos: Shudo-Ranmaru Cecil: HokageTitan ExDeath: Vincent_the_Paladdin Bartz: Majinboo0111 Kefka: Motly Fool Terra: ChristineMC Cloud: Dusk-Requiem Chaos: lioncourt