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Woody Allen once said, "There's no question that there is an unseen world. The question is, how far is it from midtown and how late is it open." If you're one of the 98% of people that are hypnotizable, the unseen world is closer than you think and if you're looking to explore it, Kev O'Kane should be your guide.
Kev O'Kane is a hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regressions, a technique that uses hypnosis to guide you through your memories of your past lives. According to Kev, "all of us have past lives, it's just a matter of being able to tap in to them" and with the help of an experienced and ethical hypnotist, reliving these past lives is actually quite easy.
There are theories that deja vu stems from past lives and there are theories that autism is a soul from a past life refusing the body of a present life. The biggest theory of them all is that Past Life Regression is proof that time travel and reincarnation are ...