Many countries are facing the problem of having a large obese population. Being obese means being prone to various medical conditions and being more at risk to developing certain types of diseases. Losing weight is not something that can be done overnight. If you want to loose weight whilst continuing eating hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas and doughnuts on a daily basis then yes, it is very difficult to loose weight. Losing weight usually requires changing your lifestyle: reducing your fat intake and eating healthy food. Many people say that they are fat due to hereditary reasons. Nice excuse to not doing anything with their problem! People do not get fat on their own. People do get fat by consuming more calories than the amount of calories they burn. Not eating and doing crash diets is not the solution to losing weight. When you crash diet you lower your metabolic rate, which is the body's natural ability to burn fat. When you return to your old eating habits you gain back all the weight that you lost and ...