Aurelio Buenperro--manager, jefe, lider, y psicologo de la banda "Manana me Chanto"--utilizando sus mejores facetas de canto y actuacion, nos presenta su solo proyect "RUN"*, grabado en las calles de Basel, Suiza. Este videoclip va dedicado a todos esos perritos que viven encerrados en departamentos (o amarrados en el patio de atras) que no pueden correr libremente por las sendas de la vida. *Prohibida su reproduccion en lugares donde no admiten perros Aurelio Buenperro--manager, chief, leader, and psychologist of the band "MaÃÂñana me Chanto"--eager to take a break from his human counterparts, has taken on new acting and singing dimensions, and presents us here with his solo project, "RUN".* Filmed in Basel, Switzerland, this music video is dedicated to all those opressed dogs who live locked up in apartments (or tied up in the yard) who can't run freely along the many courses of life. *It is prohibited to reproduce this video in places where dogs are not permitted