For more on Vidyartha College, Vidyartha College Kandy, what is Vidyartha College, Facebook, and their lack of cosmetology education and cosmetology online visit Scissorboy Cosmetology Education Online HERE:
There are lot of people looking for what is Vidyartha College and where is Vidyartha College. Seems to be somewhere in Kandy, at least that is what I found out doing a search on Facebook.
But a college I wonder why a college that so many people are searching for does not have a cosmetology education program?
Let's face it, if you are a new stylist or an apprentice at a salon, and whether you graduated from Vidyartha College or not, you can never have enough Cosmetology Education.
I am still not sure why Vidyartha College does not have an online cosmetology education program, but I know that this video will give new stylists and cosmetology students some great tips and techniques to learn from.
If you are a new stylist or a recent ...