The latest reality series from pmac tonight entertainment shows the connectivity between a small Scottish town (Fort William - location of Harry Potter and Braveheart films)), and their perennial last-placed floundering football (soccer) team that has not won a single match in over two+ years - nor have they even had a winning season in the history of the city. What happens to this already tense situation when a group of handsome Amateur Americans invade this traditional community - intending to take Europe's "Bad News Bears" team from "Worst to First"? Will they be treated as heroes or villains? Can they succeed and create a bond with the town, fellow players and the community at large? Or will they crumble under the exteme pressure and desperate, spartan-like conditions? This is a fun one hour romp, aimed for dual broadcast in the US and UK, with two cultures colliding in an arced series about football, personal pride, and never giving up. Every episode takes you into the private lives of the players and leads up to an exciting match in the final act of the show. This story is already the controversy of Europe - watch the demo and see what papers such as the Times, The Independent, The Daily Mail, The Sun - and others - said will transform the "relationship between the fan and the team" forever. Check out the following websites -,