My assistant was reviewing some of my older videos, like from just 4 months ago, and suggested I repost a video I did in mid-June on the learning curve and "How Easy Is it?" Well, talk about a learning curve! Video doesn't lie and it is hard to hide flaws or any kind. My tooth hadn't been replaced, I was seriously overweight, and I was still quite uncomfortable behind or in front of the camera...READY...FIRE...AIM! No one can ever accuse me of not practicing what I preach, can they? The purpose of this video will be readily apparent. The lessons I have learned over 30+ years of sales and marketing experience and education, from some of the true masters of the craft, will help others...I hope! Take the time to get through this video, it will be worth it. 10 minutes that may help you as you decide the correct path to follow, and the teacher too! There are two other videos and articles that may also help you. One at the link above and the other at: