The video that was 8 months in the making so far. The first Future News 2.0 show featuring Robamazilla the rampaging robotic T-Rex from outer space in the year 2020. The video is said to drag or wind down, decelerating, declining in pitch, in a completely draining and depressing style with limited action. Almost like our credit / debt based economy at the hands of our present administration. Dear President Obama, We need jobs and industry not debt and more debt from credit. Gas is soon going to be $4.00 a gallon again and cereal is going to be $5 per box. How is any of this change? Soon things will be worse than they ever were, how can you deny this or not notice? 3.5% "growth" in oil company proffits is not what this country needs. You need to open your eyes and see what has happened in the last 8 months. Sincerely, Future News 2.0