Finding legitimate telecommute jobs is easy if you know where to look at and you understand the needs of employers. There are several sites that you can visit, listing several providers and some are from legitimate companies. One job I was able to secure was from a job bulletin site similar to Jobstreet and JobsDB.
Using their search engine, I made a search using keyword of 'Home-based Job'. I was then shown two (2) vacancies for teaching English proficiency from home. They required me to apply for the post and submit a comprehensive resume. One of the companies I applied for gave me a call and conducted a telephone interview for the post I applied for. Luckily, I passed the initial screening and was told that I would be given instruction at the beginning of the semester on January. They told me as well that I would be receiving a basic pay (on 15th and 30th of the month) every payroll period and my performance will be evaluated and monitored, similar to when I work full-time in a company.
Telecommuting is bringing the work to the place of employee instead of bringing the employee to the work place.telecommute jobs