How destructive are the effects of domestic violence? An article from Psych Central gives us a perfect example: one of the most tragic outcomes of domestic violence is that well more than half of the young men between the ages of 11 and 22 who are in jail for homicide have killed their mother's batterer.
It's a frightening statistic but no more so than the number of women who have lost their lives or received permanent injuries due to domestic violence.
For those victims who are still hanging on within an abusive relationship or those that have thankfully escaped there is the reality that they have been robbed of what is rightfully theirs. Many domestic abuse survivors have to start from scratch when it comes to rebuilding what was stolen. Those still in that situation are wondering will they ever get it back.
What has the abuser stolen from the victim of domestic of violence?
1. Self Determination
All of us when we reach the age of adult hood have the right to make our own decisions. We can take the advice of others who may have lived thru similar circumstances or disregard it altogether.domestic abusedomestic abuse victimeffects of violence