When sleeping, the muscles and tissues in the throat tend to relax which results to the breathing airways becoming smaller than normal. The shrinkage of the air passage in the throat increases the speed of the air when breathing. When the space is constricted, the increased velocity triggers a vibration in the throat such as of the soft palate and the uvula. This is the way the noise is created when snoring.
There could be numerous roots of snoring. As concluded in sleep studies, too much drinking of alcohol, excessive fats especially in the area of the throat and taking sedatives worsen snoring. Although not all people snore when they sleep, everyone must have experienced this in one way or another. Some people snore only when they have colds or when sleeping in their backs.
To treat the snoring trouble, surgical procedures could be done. These involved the trimming of respiration obstructions such as impaired uvula, part of the enlarged tonsils and adenoids. The use of radio frequency apparatus is used to correct the deviated tissues. However, surgical processes have shown little success in terminating the snoring noise.healthfitnessdiseaseconditionsself helpcureskin carecaringhelping