This third and final Aion movie of the series shows the next quest for a Assassin in Akarios Plains, Poeta the Elyos start zone.
About half way along your short journey to the Elyos Village, you will pass Kales Farm, where an npc named Kales offers the quest:
The Snuffler Headache, Kales asks you to kill grain snufflers and collect their tails. Grain snufflers can be found all around the
Kales' Farm area. Kill 4 of the snufflers using your moves 'Swift Edge 1' and using the buff 'Focused Evasion 1', collect the tails
and hand in back at Kales. Kales then offers you the follow on quest: Helping Kales you need to carry on to Akarios Village and
find the npc called Uno. Once you arrive in Akarios Village, you can find Polina directly ahead of you and Uno to the right, hand
in and enjoy levelling up!