Funny Christmas song about Rudolph the Brown Nosed Reindeer performed by ELFIS. A Dr. Demento Christmas classic. Lyrics by Rudy & The Reindeer, music Johnny Marks (Stavro Arrgolus)
ELFIS, Short for "E Long Fong I Song", the name given to Santa Tech dropout "Stewart E Pedd II" by his Elf Guru, "Elfi Ona Honda Beyonda Ponda". Re-live the real life Stu Pedd adventures in word and song as ELFIS shares his twisted journey from normal North Pole kid to Santa Technical College to elf commune.
LYRICS: Rudolph the Brown Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph the brown nosed reindeer
This is how the story goes
Was always nice to Santa
and to Santa's special doe's
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
But that didn't stop old Rudolph
From playing all his brown nosed games
Then one smoggy Christmas Eve
Rudolph came to say
"Santa, if I wash your sleigh
Can I stay inside all day?"
Now all the other reindeer
Are jealous of old Rudolph's ways
Just as the smart deer told them,
Bein' ...