Being in a car accident can be tragic on its own, but sustaining an injury that will affect you for life can be devastating. Having a spinal cord injury may feel or seem like it has taken a toll on every aspect of your life. Spinal cord injuries generally cause loss of movement and sensation or permanent disability below the site of the injury. Car accidents account for more than 40% of spinal cord injuries each year.
If you sustain a spinal cord injury your ability to control your limbs will depend on two things, the neurological level of the injury and the completeness of the injury. A complete spinal cord injury happens when you lose all feeling and the ability to control movements. If you are suffering from an incomplete spinal cord injury this means you still have some feeling or ability to control movements below the area of your spine that was injured.
You may have symptoms such as pain and/or a stinging sensation in your spinal cord, loss of movement, loss of bowel or bladder control, loss of sensation, and difficulty breathing.Car accidentAttorneyCrashinjuryhurtlawyerdes moinesiowaspinal cord