Day 14 of the 39 Day Challenge. Keeping your business tight at the core.
The further away from the center you go, the more distorted and magnified imperfections become. If the distance of a 1 degree angle at the core is just 1 inch wide, the further out you go, the wider the angle is.
So, if there is a flaw at the center, the further out you go, the more pronounced the flaw is. The more visible it is. The more it affects the whole.
This is the same with a business. If there is a defect in the systems, or communication, or cash flow of the business, the further out you go, the worse it gets.
This is especially true with franchise or affiliate businesses. Where the distance from center to edge can be quite far. As the business begins to grow outward, small issues become big problems that can interfere with the operation and sustainability of the business itself.
This small demonstration with a washer on a string shows how this can play out in a very simple way. It is actually quite dramatic.
If you are at a point where you are expanding your business or are beginning to think about it, and you need help stabilizing the core, head over to and enter your contact information. I have helped many business owners through this phase of growth.