Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem In the name of Allah the Benificient, The Merciful The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in a hadith "The whole earth is a mosque except a graveyard and a toilet." This short film shows that Muslims are not confined to mosques and other buildings to offer any of their five daily prayers and can in fact worship Allah anywhere, except of course in a toilet and a graveyard. This principle signifies just how much Islam is in touch with not only nature and it's beauty but also with our own nature. Muslims the world over, when on a journey or a short trip become mindful of the need to offer their salat(prayer) to Allah when the time is due and the absense of a building or shelter does not hinder the believing men and women from performing their obligation. There are other reasons why I made this video. Firstly to invite others to the beautiful religion which is Islam and secondly as a message to the fascists who are gaining power throughout Europe and other parts of the world. "You can stop us from building mosques or minarets and even destroy those that have been built, but nothing you do will ever stop us from worshipping our creator anywhere and anytime we please, because, quite simply, the whole earth is a mosque." Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen I would like to thank my wife Betsy Carreyette who has also adopted the name Zaynab Hassim for helping me to make this video. I would also like to thank Michael Fortune and the Galway City Council for the skills and support they provide me to produce this film. This proved to me that Muslims and Non Muslims are able to help eact other in righteos deeds. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this video.