There is going to be a whole lot of eating and drinking going on over the Christmas and New Year festivities.
Excess pounds and fat will be gained and once things get back to normal, the race will be on to lose weight.
To lose the extra 15lbs, 20lbs 30lbs or so as quickly as possible.
The Acai berry and other detox diets will be in great demand as people look to rid the body of the junk and toxins that have been allowed to accumulate as they quite understandably decide to let their hair down and have a great time over the holidays.
The main cause of weight gain lies in the nature of the food we eat. The bulk of the food we eat in Western society is refined, adulterated, lacking in nutrients, high in sugar, and full of various chemicals and preservatives.
This leads to a deposit of plaque in the colon and an excess of toxins in the body. The eliminative organs like the liver and kidneys are overloaded and the immune system compromised. The metabolic rate becomes sluggish and the body responds by holding on to fat and retaining fluid/water.Acai BerryDetox dietslose 20lbslose 15lbslose 30lbslose fatlose weightweight loss