734-337-1022 You may think that this is a bad time to be considering buying a car. However, that is far from the truth. In these lean economic times, it can be easier for you to find good financing than it would normally be. Even people with bad or no credit rating can find themselves driving of the lot in a new car. Detroit-Chevy.com has all types and models of vehicles to meet your needs and wishes. Whether you want a sporty car like the Corvette or a Suburban to hold a large family. You will be able to find what you want at Detroit-Chevy.com. They cover the Detroit service area for zip codes, 48195, 48192, 48146, 48180, 48101, 48183, 48122, 48134, 48174 and 48173. Detroit-Chevy.com has award-winning vehicles such as the award-winning Malibu, that won awards from the Keely Blue Book, Parents Magazine and the Automobile Magazine, to name a few. The Chevy Traverse was also named by the Parents ...