Are you a real estate investor? Granted, much of the real estate market has fallen, but there are still areas in the nation where real estate has retained its value and one of these areas is Malibu. If you want an investment that will retain value or even grow within the net few years you should look into real estate listings in Malibu Beach CA. There are many different listings available and you can even view these online at So whether you are looking for property in Malibu or any of the following zip codes 90265, 90290, 90401, 90290, 90272, 90212, 90403, 90210, 90049 and 90034, you will be sure to find a listing to your liking. Malibu is one of the most prestigious places to live in the US and a great place to be for the beach loving person. One of the great advantages to finding the right real estate listings in ...