Motivation is a characteristic that we all require in order to achieve anything in our lives. Without motivation, we would all simply give up at the slightest inclination of adversity. Motivation is the leader that inspires and encourages us to be our best. Someone who is motivated will do anything it takes to be successful in achieving their goals. Motivation can change your life by inspiring you to get everything you want out of life, no matter what other people try to tell you. But how to get motivated? How to get motivated to work on your goals? The answer is you should create an emotional attachment to your goals. You see I truly belive that action is created by emotion, and the best way to create the emotion is by developing story. You can write or record the story, but the key is to come back to this story on regular bases so that you can really associate the emotion with your goal. This is what will motivate you to succeed and stay on top of your goals. To your success, Uldis Liepins Network ...