When I came up with an original business idea I figured I could do it with a few mates. The reality was very different. Unless you plan to sell buttons business development is a lot more complex than people thing. You can get all kinds of business plan help but until you put it out to the market it can be hard to know the truth. For small businesses planning a big endeavour you have to ask yourself how much money do I need to start as business like this, do I have a realistic marketing plan and budget in place. Can I afford to do this?
For me I could afford to do it but what I forget to say was how long should I keep trying.
Orlando Taylor tried to bring full size electric scooters to the UK with his company switched onn. It was a tough job, so what tips does he have for people trying to do the same.
This is just a quick clip, so if you want to see the full chat and get business advice, tips, inspiration and reasons for being in business from real world business people who talk in ...