What is one of the deadly sins of business start up's? I am just as guilty as many people.
It's talking rather than acting. I wish when I read lots of books on how to start a business that as well as just giving lots of theory of how to set up a company, it also would have told me that starting a new business was all about action. I planned everything for ages and then found it didn't work in the real world, despite all my research the reality was different.
In this quick tip from the latest GIBz.TV show Orlando Taylor from Switched Onn and I talk about our experiences of talking rather than doing with a simple message stop talking and take action.
So what is best? My feeling is a bit of both but perhaps you disagree?
This is just a quick clip, so if you want to see the full chat and get business advice, tips, inspiration and reasons for being in business from real world business people who talk in plain English, try GIBz.TV - http://www.gibz.tv