The colon is a long tube that starts at the cecum and runs down to the rectum; it is part of the large intestine. Sometimes food remains or takes longer than usual in our digestive system. This leads to the rotting of the food inside the digestive track, specifically in the colon. If the food accumulates, then it becomes poisonous to the body and can cause serious ailments
Almost everybody takes in toxic substances at one time or another. Some toxins are taken in from eating food that is not healthy while other gets in through the environment; that is through pollution. Toxin substance can also accumulate due to malnourishment, over eating or even stress. As a result of the presences of these toxic substances, the colon is over worked and made to be somehow dirty. Therefore, by undergoing a colon cleansing exercise you go a long way to improve your health.
Colon cleansing is very important to someone who wants to detoxify his body. This is the process of cleaning vital body organs such as the kidneys and liver. If you wish to clean them, then the best place to start is the colon.colon