When I first put up my website I wanted to really increase visitors to my page but did not know how to do it the fast way.
I came across GMore and saw how the demo helped increase traffic to your page, so I have registered and sent it by email to all of my contacts, I was totally impressed! This free add on program has increased traffic to my website in a huge way.
GMore allowed me to expose my content through google search and enabled me to increase the chances of traffic to my website at a much better rate than before.
Another cool feature is that GMore earns money for me at the same time it increases traffic to my website.
I do not need to do anything special, I've only give it my Adsense information and from that point on every time my users search on Google and click the sponsored links I got paid from Google directly.
I believe that anyone that wants to increase traffic to their website should register GMore, and see the results themselves.