From Cathleen (Cathy) Ann O'Brien, born 4 December 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan: I have prepared this book, Access Denied ~ for Reasons of National Security, for your review and edification concerning a little known tool that 'our' United States Government is covertly, illegally, and un-constitutionally using to implement the New World Order (One World Government). This well-documented tool is a sophisticated and advanced form of behaviour modification (brainwashing) most commonly known as MIND CONTROL. My first-hand knowledge of this TOP SECRET U.S. Government Psychological Warfare technique is drawn from my personal experience as a White House 'Presidential Model' mind-control slave. Much of the information enclosed herein has been corroborated and validated through brave and courageous 'clean' members of the law enforcement, scientific, and Intelligence communities familiar with this case. These individuals' efforts helped me to understand and corroborate what happened after a lifetime of systematic physical and psychological torture orchestrated to modify my behaviour through totally controlling my mind. Some of these courageous individuals are employed by the very system that controlled me and live in fear of losing their jobs, their families, or their lives. They have gone as far as they dare towards publicly exposing this tool of engineers of the New World OrderâÂÂto no avail. This book is a grassroots effort to solicit and enlist the public and private support of Human Rights advocates, the recognised, respected doors in America to expose this invisible personal and social menace. This can be done by well organised, cooperative citizens with a passion for justice, who have expressed interest in restoring our Constitution and taking back America. This copy you hold is for your edification and action.
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