Massage for stress must be done daily, even if you don't feel particularly stress. Stress can lead to tense muscles in the neck, shoulders and back leading to headaches and other symptoms including palpitations and raised blood pressure. The Hellerwork massage is a self-massage that works very well as a preventative measure.
Research of the benefits of stress reducing massage has been ongoing for over 120 years and proven that a good massage relaxes the mind, the body and soul by providing a feeling of peace and quiet, away from the tension of day-to-day pressures.
It has also been found that massage decreases anxiety and respiratory rates and also help to increase white blood cells. Hence, massage benefits the immune system. Results from the James Cancer Hospital AND Research Institute found that cancer patients experienced less anxiety and pain after they received a therapeutic massage.
The University of South Carolina found that therapeutic massage helped women who experienced the loss of a child were not as depressed. Massage also helps to improve weight gain in infants that are HIV-exposed and is also beneficial to the recovery of abdominal surgery patients.
There are many benefits of massage for stress.massagerelaxingstressreliefcaringtherapeuticanxietyhypertensionimmune system