If you're thinking of doing away with your old fax machine and are making the switch to on line fax services you're taking one step in the right direction. You will probably be saving yourself time and money with less ink and paper to buy and less trips to the office supply stores. Once you do make the switch you'll be asking yourself What do I do with my old fax machine?. Before you toss it in the trash consider the environmental impact of the plastics and also the pollutants that may be in any left over ink cartridges. These are items that don't belong in your average city land fill but don't worry about that. We've got a few creative suggestions of what you might do with your old fax machine.
1. As fax machines get older they may become a bit of a business savvy or geek savvy nostalgic collectors item. That said, who wants a decorative fax machine sitting on their mantle or as their center piece? There are better albeit odd ways to reuse your retro fax machine.faxintenet faxinternet