God forbid something like this happens. But, as Jones says, the ground has been prepared for such an event. A false narrative has been carefully created and introduced into the public mind: that a white-blue-eyed-blonde-Al-Qaeda of 911 truthers, leftwing radicals, and right-wing libertarians and militia members is out there to spread terror, violent revolution, and to murder politicians. And you also have the contrived there's-no-security-around-Obama-and-everyone-wants-to-get-him line. A false flag attack on Obama would be the perfect pretext and opportunity to capitalize on this lie, and justify a crackdown on all opposition to the Fabian socialists and neocons now running the US and the entire Western world, in the name of "fighting homegrown terror". Further, it'd bolster Obama's ever waning popularity and popular approval, and strengthen the war agenda. Watch out, I think Jones may have a serious point here. http://www.infowars.com/http://www.prisonplanet.tv/
Alex Jones Infowars Infowarrior Obama false flag terror attack fake gatecrashers white house 911 New York City 7/7 London Bali Madrid underwear bomber Pentagon plane twin towers building 7 torture war secret arrest rendition banker bankster bailout wall street militia members second amendment truther Glenn Beck Sean Hannity Van Rush Limbaugh Islamic Rachel Maddow Olbermann ZZ Top CIA NSA MI6 Mossad Cheney Rahm Emmanuel Iran Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan invasion