In a high school in Chun Cheon, a rebellious, disobedient student Seo Kang Wook meets a young and naive teacher Lee Yool Ju, and despite everything, they fall in love. Initially, Yool Ju paid a lot of attention to Sung Wook, recognizing his inherent intelligence and talent and hoping to steer him to the good path. This attention later coalesced into attraction and then love, grudgingly admitted. Yool Ju herself was in an apparently steady relationship with a promising police inspector, Kim Tae Hoon, who cares for her a whole lot more than she does in return. A narcoleptic, Yool Ju accidentally kills one of Kang Wook's friends, but she passes out and remembers nothing. To protect her, Kang Wook takes the blame goes to jail but not before convincing Yool Ju that her memory of killing the man was just an episode of narcoleptic hallucination. Five years later, Kang Wook finishes his sentence, but Yool Ju is now engaged to Tae Hoon. Still unaware that she is the real killer, both Kang Wook and Tae Hoon work together to protect her from the truth. No matter how many times Kang Wook and Yool Ju tried to separate, they failed miserably, not only at their own emotional expense but at the expense of Tae Hoon and Ja Kyung, a school friend who has always loved Kang Wook.